computing and society in Chinese
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- computing
- 电脑运算; 计算的估计的; 计算机系; 计算机信息处理技术
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- in society
- 社会中的权力
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- society
- n. 1.社会。 2.会,社;协会,学会,公会,团体。 3.交际,社交;社交界〔特指上流社会〕;社交场所。 4.群居,群栖。 5. 〔美国〕教区居民。 短语和例子 primitive society 原始社会。 class society 阶级社会。 slavery society 奴隶社会。 feudalist society 封建社会。 a charitab...
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- applied computing
- 计算机应用; 实用计算; 应用计算机
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What is the meaning of computing and society in Chinese and how to say computing and society in Chinese? computing and society Chinese meaning, computing and society的中文,computing and society的中文,computing and society的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by